Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blog Post #6

Wendy Drexler: The Networked Student
I must say that I had no idea what a “networked” student was before watching this. At least that is what I thought because in reality, I am exactly that! Just for review, the clip is about students today and their ability to learn on their own. It describes the types of information that students have access to without even going to class or reading the book. It raises the question of “Why does a networked student even need a classroom teacher?” because it looks as if the student doesn’t need one. There are many arguments to this issue, but I have only one. A student that has a personal learning network AND a teacher are the students that succeed.

First of all, like I said before, I had no idea what a networked student was. I realized that I didn’t know what it was because of the simple fact that I have put no thought into what I have been doing all this time. I have always researched my classes and Googled questions that I have had to stump me. I research everything and when I can’t find the answer, I dig even deeper until I do. I am also guilty of not buying textbooks because I learn more from my computer. Half the time, the books are available for view on the internet anyway. Technology is a way of life for me and I can see where I have taken it for granted because I didn’t realize what I have been doing.

As far as teachers go, they are absolutely needed in the educational setting. When I look things up online, it is because I am then able to go to class and discuss the information in an informative way with my teacher. Teachers help piece the information together in a real way so that it becomes more personal. A networked student only makes one smarter by giving them the chance to really understand the issues that are discussed in class.

A 7th graders PLE
This student is using technology to help her in science class. She is learning how to use her computer to better her education. She uses things like Google Docs to help her organize and to be better prepared in class. I think she is on the right track to becoming a very successful student because she is learning how to use technology to further her education. Her PLE is a lot like my PLN because I also use some of the same programs that she is using to help me. We are both trying to make the best out of our education by using our technology that we have to help us.

Michael Wesch: The Machine is Changing Us
Wesch's closing question hangs in the air: "How can we use this to conquer the narcissistic disengagement that we see today in a culture that is still ruled by trivialities?" I personally do not have an answer for this but I hope to one day have a better idea for an answer. The video is pretty long but I am glad to have watched it. His questions/answers contradict themselves but this is because there is not just one black and white answer. Technology and it power raises a lot of questions in the terms of good or bad but it is something that no one can answer right now.


  1. Hi,

    I really liked your post. I agree that a networked student needs a teacher as well. A teacher's job is to guide the student and help whenever it is needed, so how would not want that. One of the reasons I want to be a teacher is because I want to help guide, encourage, and interact with children. I know they are our future and we have to make sure they are on the right path.

  2. Hey girl! I also agree that a student needs a PLN as well as a teacher. I have to say that I also google me classes, and sometimes the teachers before I take a certain teacher. I put questions into google ALL the time, google is my best friend HAHA! The video the seventh grader did about her PLE was amazing. Because she is learning all of these things she will be a better student. Children need to learn how to work technology!

  3. I think teachers serve the same purpose as bosses in the real world. That is, they help us to identify need and give us direction to find purpose or a solution to the problem. Beyond that, I think we are fully capable of discussing things intelligently without teachers. As for elementary students, I think teachers should create experiences that encourage them to engage in intelligent conversation with professionals and with each other!

