Friday, November 12, 2010

Project #15 Multi-Media Project


  1. Nice combination of video and Google Docs and smartboard. The one issue I have is that there is TOO MUCH TEXT. People don't read long blocks of text, especially on on "overhead" type of slode. What should you do. Short summary sentences with audio overlay would address the issue in the most effective way, I think.

    I really like how you have combined things.

  2. Hey girl! Great blog! I think you did a great job but I agree with Dr. Strange. I couldn't read everything and I wanted to! You did a great job of combining everything as well as using smartboard and Google Docs. Very cool! Keep up the great work!

  3. Hey Brittany, I really agree that students need to be taught how to be healthy and take care of their bodies. I didn't learn anything about eating healthy and exercising everyday when I was in school. I feel that students should know how important it is to stay active and eat healthy. I also enjoyed watching your smartboard presentation and think that you are going to be a great physical education teacher.
